ECOrepel Deet Free Insect Repellent & After Bite Relief (50g)
• SAFE & EFFECTIVE: 100% natural ingredients offer protection while you enjoy the great outdoors. Prevents mosquito borne diseases such as Zika virus and Dengue fever, and is a safe mosquito repellent for kids.
• FAST ITCH RELIEF: Soothes inflammation and swelling from insect bites with the indigenous herb Dragon’s Blood.
• ECO-FRIENDLY INSIDE OUT Sustainably handmade with biodegradable ingredients and packaged in plastic-free paper tubes.
• QUICK & EASY: A few quick swipes protects you for up to 4 hours. Non greasy, no drippy mess, or spills. And it is the perfect travel sized insect repellent.
• BEST DEET-FREE INSECT REPELLENT: Recommended by entomologists and regulators, plant-based PMD protects against mosquitoes, midges, sandflies and ticks.
How does ECOrepel work as a DEET-FREE insect repellent to stop bites?
Insects who bite are attracted by a combination of smell, certain colour, carbon dioxide and heat. You may wonder if a natural insect repellent like ECOrepel really works. The facts are entomologists and regulators around the world have been recommending PMD (p-menthane-3,8-diol) as an alternative active ingredient amid increasing concerns about the neurotoxicity and high dermal absorption seen in DEET. Many conscious consumers have been seeking DEET free alternatives.
DEET is a strong plasticiser that can melt rain jackets, sandals and backpacks if not stored correctly. DEET mosquito repellent has oily feel and its strong chemical smell is unpleasant. Many people choose higher DEET concentrations thinking it works better, but all it does is make the effect last longer - which could have negative reactions on our skin.
PMD (p-menthane-3,8-diol) is an accepted active ingredient with the following agencies :
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Australia Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency
United Kingdom Fit for Travel NHS
PMD can be made synthetically or extracted from the best mosquito repellent plant. In nature, it is only found in small amounts in "young" oil, so it must be harvested from older leaves/twigs where the citronellal is turned into PMD under mildly acidic conditions. As you don't know the exact amount of PMD is in the aromatherapy oil you buy, some essential oil mosquito repellent may not be as effective as others. If a high concentration of such oil is used, application may lead to skin allergy/dermatitis in the presence of sunlight. Frequent reapplication is also needed.
We have been testing natural insect repellent’s active ingredients, and found PMDRBO sold under the brand name Citrepel75 the most effective in stopping bites. Extracted from the Java citronella plant, Citrepel75 contains at least 75% of the naturally occurring constituent PMD. Citrepel75 is registered under the EU Biocidal Products Directive (BPR) and is certified as a product of natural origin by ECOCERT. Plant-based PMD is a whole lot better for you and the environment.
So, if you are looking for an insect repellent for home that actually works, smells nice and is eco-friendly inside out, ECOrepel is the best choice for you. It jams mosquitoes’ short range radar. When you apply all over your exposed skin, the vapour from PMDRBO makes you “disappear” from mosquitoes when they get within a few centimetres of your skin. You can have several mosquitoes hovering around you, but none of them can find a good place to land for a bite. They eventually abort landing on your skin and fly away. No bites, no itch!
How does it provide itch relief?
1.7oz / 50g
Direction For Use
How to apply ECOrepel correctly to stop insect bites?
Apply exactly like sunscreen; a few quick swipes and then spread ECOrepel evenly to protect exposed skin. There is no need to apply lots. Cover every inch of your exposed skin or the mosquitoes will home in on the uncovered area and bite there instead. It’s no good having a good repellent and not applying it thoroughly.
ECOrepel comes in an oval-shaped push-up paper tube. Use your thumb to push up 5 to 8mm, hold the tube while keeping your index finger on the base and apply thinly all over exposed skin. Unlike pump or spray products, ECOrepel enables fast and precise application, no drippy mess, or spills. Avoid pushing out more than 1 cm of ECOrepel from the tube. Pushing it back into the tube may shave off the sides of the product.
We have formulated ECOrepel so each application protects you for up to 4 hours. However, if you sweat, swim or if the climate is really hot and humid, you may need to re-apply more often. While ECOrepel is handcrafted from all natural ingredients, proper use is just as important. Please refer to “Is there any additional precaution to note?”
How to apply ECOrepel to soothe itches?
As soon as you feel an insect bite, resist scratching and apply ECOrepel immediately. Once you scratch, you actually sink the mosquito’s saliva deeper into your skin which triggers a bigger bump and a more intense itch. If the itch persists, reapply.
We have found ECOrepel brings great relief to red, swollen bites. Some of us stop itching upon first application, and others who have bigger reactions to bites require 2 to 3 swipes before the itchy feeling goes away. Once we stop scratching, we can prevent breaking our skin, and the potential open infection and long term scarring which can follow.
The after bite ingredients in Dragon’s Blood has been used for many centuries by indigenous populations in the Amazon to relieve skin reactions from insect bites. If you are looking for the best mosquito bite relief products, Dragon’s Blood infused ECOrepel is the best choice.
How often do I reapply?
ECOrepel protects for up to 4 hours. Like all insect repellents, hot and humid climates, your activities and other environmental factors will affect how long does mosquito treatment last. If you sweat, swim or the climate is really hot and humid, you may need to re-apply more often.
Do not apply ECOrepel over cuts, wounds, irritated or sunburned skin. Wash hands after applying, and before eating and drinking.
Do I apply sunscreen first or repellent first?
When is mosquito season, mosquitoes bite between dusk and dawn when you are unlikely to wear sunscreen, but the Aedes mosquito (Zika virus and Dengue fever carriers) bite in the day as well!
If you are also using sunscreen, apply sunscreen first and wait a few minutes before applying any outdoor bug repellent including ECOrepel. This allows your sun protection to set and penetrate the skin.
Is it safe for kids and babies?
Yes - there have been extensive experiences with use of PMD Rich Botanic oil repellent on young children, which have shown low toxicity and also low skin penetration. In subtropical regions, the risk of Zika virus and Dengue fever transmitted from the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito is high and the dangers associated with Zika, Dengue and Malaria far outweigh anything negative which may come from a repellent.
Young skin can be sensitive; always apply a little ECOrepel to a patch of skin and monitor any reaction prior to using it on the whole body. If your child experiences itching, redness, a burning sensation, bumps or irritation - stop applying immediately. The French Group of Tropical Paediatrics recommends the use of skin-applied repellent as follows - 1 application daily for infants above 6 months; from ages 1 to 12 years, 2 applications daily may be safely used; 3 applications daily after 12 years old through adulthood.
If you are looking for a safe and effective mosquito repellent for kids that is not a DEET insect repellent, then ECOrepel is the best choice. Do not allow young children to handle this product. Do not apply to young children’s hands as they might rub their eyes or put their hands in their mouth. After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.
Is it safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding?
None of the formal studies on PMD Rich Botanic Oil have included pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, so our direct knowledge is currently limited.
If you do need to use an insect repellent pregnant, a natural product such as ECOrepel would be a better choice as all the ingredients are 100% natural and very little is absorbed through the skin.
Do wash your hands after applying ECOrepel as you do not want to accidentally rub it off on to a newborn.
Can I apply on my face?
Apply ECOrepel directly on your cheeks, nose, forehead, neck, behind the ears, but avoid eyes and mouth areas.
After returning indoors, cleanse face thoroughly with soap and water.