bogobrushes use the highest quality tynex nylon bristles from dupont. they are a “soft” bristle, and are polished with ceramic by our bristling manufacturer for an extra smooth feel.
curbside or backyard the compostable bogobrush handles are made from a bio-composite material with flax particles, hemp, cotton, or coffee. this means you can toss the handle into your backyard compost pile, or into your curbside compost bin, just as with any other organic matter. the bristles are not compostable, and we recommend you pull them out by simply using a small pliers. however, the bristles are very small and if they end up in the compost stream, they will break down into little pieces with time – it’s not perfect, but it is better than a big hunk of plastic!
how long will it take to break down, (i.e. degrade)? it depends. maybe a few months, maybe a few years. with any compostable material, the time of degradation depends on the health of the compost pile – humidity, temperature, and bio-diversity, (bugs, microbes, plants, etc. – as well as the size and surface area of the product).
what will it degrade into? bogobrush bio-composite handles will degrade into carbon dioxide, water, and humus (a soil nutrient).